Wd8 is easy to find!
Motorway A2 (Südautobahn) direction Vienna (from Graz)
or direction Graz (from Vienna)
- Exit ilz/Fürstenfeld
- Continue in direction ilz.
About 3 km until the center of ilz.
- In the center of ilz, in front of the SPAR supermarkt, turn LEFT direction
Riegersburg, Feldbach.
The first village, after about 4 km, is Walkersdorf.
- There is a crossing about 100 meters after the sign 'Walkersdorf'.
Right goes to Markt Hartmannsdorf, left goes into the village.
There is a sign 'Ausgenommen Anrainerverkehr' ('except residents traffic').
Turn left here into the village.
- There is an old, broken farm-house after about 50 meters on the left
Turn left, directly after this old farm-house. Straight on, along the
high trees up the little hill until Wd8.
- Parking in the back, behind the barn.